The Interpreter (22 May 2024). A working definition of Sinophobia would improve the China debate. The Lowy Institute
The Policymaker (21 May 2024). NSW could be a laboratory of democracy on diverse representation. James Martin Institute
The Future of Everything (28 November 2023). Why a minority-Labor government is Peter Dutton's best path back to power
East Asia Forum (10 March 2023). Australia’s Chinese diaspora faces a representation deficit
The Interpreter (12 January 2023). Our public holidays should reflect Australia’s multicultural make-up. Lowy Institute
Jacobin Magazine (20 September 2022). The New South Wales Labor Party Is Wildly Corrupt. It Needs Democratic Reform.
Per Capita (9 September 2022). A truly progressive local agenda needs community wealth building
Canberra Times (24 June 2022). We need a federal parliament that truly reflects our nation
Labour Hub (27 May 2022). Victory in Australia
Tribune Magazine (23 May 2022). Australia's Left Turn
The China Story (14 February 2022). Australian Politics and the China Card: a Dangerous Game
Canberra Times (4 February 2022). Progressives need to think about the Senate. Their agenda depends on a working majority
Canberra Times (6 October 2021). It's not tokenism. Diverse political parties make better decisions
City Hub Sydney (12 July 2021). Deamalgamation a distraction from a vision of a better Inner West
Jacobin Magazine (1 June 2021). When Christmas Island Workers United Against Colonialism and Apartheid
Sydney Morning Herald (31 May 2021). Why I cannot support Michael Daley for the Labor leadership in NSW
The Interpreter (23 March 2021). Australian politics should be as diverse as its people. Lowy Institute
The China Story (23 February 2021). Negative feelings towards Chinese immigrants show our debates do not happen in a vacuum
Canberra Times (26 January 2021). Surely I can't be the only ambivalent Australian republican?
Silent Dialogue (December 2020). On Roots and Routes: Navigating Identity as Part of the Chinese Diaspora
Meanjin (21 October 2020). Abetz’s questioning tests our democracy
Sydney Morning Herald (15 October 2020). I was born in Australia. Why do I need to renounce the Chinese Communist Party?
Emma Dawson and Janet McCalman (eds.) (29 September 2020) 'Rebuilding the Public Sector', in What Happens Next? Reconstructing Australia after COVID-19
The China Story (10 August 2020). COVID-19 has led to widespread incidents of anti-Asian racism in Australia
Jacobin Magazine (28 July 2020). Locking Out the Left: The Emergence of National Factions in Australian Labor
Canberra Times (27 July 2020). One of the biggest open secrets in Australian public policy
Osmond Chiu and Peter Chuang (July 2020). COVID-19 Coronavirus Racism Incident Report: Reporting Racism against Asians in Australia Arising Due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. Asian Australian Alliance
Pearls and Irritations (25 June 2020). Confronting anti-Asian racism shows Australia’s commitment to democratic values
The China Story (15 April 2020). COVID-19 racism echoes historical anti-Chinese sentiment
South China Morning Post (2 March 2020). Australia’s watershed political moment: welcoming Asian-Australians to the table
China Matters (January-February 2020). What should Australia do about its politics being too white?
Canberra Times (3 December 2019). Community wealth building offers a way forward for progressives
Overland (22 October 2019). Old racism in a new language: the state of Sinophobia in Australia
Tocsin (October 2019). Left Out?
Peril Magazine (21 August 2019). Agitators and organisers: untold histories of Chinese migrant workers in Australia
Guardian Australia (24 July 2019). The imperative for progressives? Bold action on inequality, democracy and climate
Policy Network (23 May 2019). Australian Labor’s shock defeat
Tribune Magazine (19 May 2019). Australian Labor’s Miliband Moment
Meanjin (20 March 2019). Eliminating Racism: Or As We Call It, Harmony
Crikey (12 March 2019). Welcome to the new Milibandism
Eureka Street (11 February 2019). Australia needs its own Green New Deal
Eureka Street (5 December 2018). Kerryn Phelps' middle-class populism
Jacobin Magazine (5 November 2018). The Third Way Isn’t Dead Yet
SBS Voices (27 August 2018). Returning to Chinese school as an adult
Eureka Street (13 August 2018). Free expression is a workplace issue too
Guardian Australia (17 July 2018). CEOs don't understand how angry workers feel about executive pay
Osmond Chiu, Victoria Fielding and Eugene Stroinovsky (eds.) (30 June 2018). Preparing to Govern: ideas for the next NSW Labor Government. Australian Fabians
Eureka Street (25 May 2018). Robots are not the real threat to work
Sydney Morning Herald (26 April 2018). We need different faces in Parliament
Eureka Street (10 November 2017). It's time to revisit free education
Eureka Street (16 September 2017). Battling the Pauline Hanson battler myth
Osmond Chiu and Victoria Fielding (eds.) (29 July 2017). A new vision for NSW: ideas for the next NSW Labor Government. Australian Fabians
Whitlam Institute (13 July 2017) 'The Impact of Economic Rationalism on the Australian Public Service: from 1991 to the present', in Economic Rationalism in Canberra: Twenty-Five Years On
Australian Journal of Public Administration (13 May 2017). A Portrait of Failure: Ongoing Funding Cuts to Australia's Cultural Institutions, Vol 77(1), co-authored with Kristin van Barneveld
Junkee (20 March 2017). The Real Story Behind Harmony Day: How John Howard Depoliticised Anti-Racism
Eureka Street (18 March 2016). A new year, a new Bill?
New Matilda (16 June 2015). Those Decrying Chinese Homebuyers Fight Only For Their Own Privilege
New Matilda (14 March 2014). Are Primaries Really The Answer To Labor's Woes?
New Matilda (6 November 2013). Unions NSW Are Right To Challenge O'Farrell
LabourList (26 November 2010). There’s no Australian evidence that AV leads to a lower turnout
Media and Interviews
ABC Sydney (5 February 2025). NSW Afternoons with James Valentine
Bethanie Alderson (5 February 2025). Australia 'decades behind' in its debate over whether to change hundreds of place names containing 'racist slur'. ABC News
Kate Ashton (26 September 2024). Suburban candidate campaign sign targeted with racist vandalism ahead of Victorian council elections. ABC News
Anna Usher (11 July 2024). Calls for Chinamans Beach in Mosman to be renamed after “racist” claims. Mosman Collective
Su-Lin Tan (7 July 2024). Australia’s ‘Chinaman’ place names spark racism debate, calls for change. South China Morning Post
Olivia Yuan and Ranky Law (25 June 2024). Over 250 Australian spots use this 'derogatory' name, sparking calls for renaming. SBS Chinese
Wanning Sun (15 June 2024). Labor appreciates Chinese-Australians' contribution, but whose job is it to stop Sinophobia? Pearls and Irritations
Dan Holmes (18 March 2024). NSW government procurement rules out of step with other jurisdictions. The Mandarin
Judy Skatssoon (14 February 2024). Local preference in procurement a potential integrity risk, ICAC says. Government News
Grace Johnson (8 February 2024). Sydney council slashes Mandarin program days before Lunar New Year. City Hub Sydney
Koma Cheng and Kate Chang (8 February 2024). 农历新年是否应定为澳洲公共假期?大多受访华人不赞成:会很乱. SBS Chinese
ABC Melbourne (13 December 2023). Melbourne Drive with Ali Moore
Nick Dyrenfurth (25 November 2023). The Albanese doctrine. The Saturday Paper
Koma Cheng and Tania Lee (22 November 2023). Seeing a lack of diversity in local politics, Sam decided he could fill the gap. SBS Chinese
Full Story (3 October 2023). Chinese Australians caught in a diplomatic rift - Full Story podcast. Guardian Australia
Jane Lee (3 October 2023). 'What if there was a war?' Chinese Australians wear the scars after bitter years of hostile rhetoric. Guardian Australia
ABC TV (6 September 2023). WTFAQ.
Gus McCubbing (30 August 2023). Chinese Australians made to feel unwelcome by local media: study. Australian Financial Review
Troy Bramston (15 August 2023). Labor Right urges AUKUS unity while Left advocates radicalism. The Australian
Paul Karp (6 August 2023). Labor faces push to triple number of NT and ACT senators and give territorians a bigger say in referendums. Guardian Australia
Tim Dunlop (6 July 2023). Whither Australian Conservatives?. The Future of Everything
ABC Illawarra (3 July 2023). Illawarra Drive with Lindsay McDougall
James Massola and Paul Sakkal (2 July 2023). Multicultural quotas on the cards for Labor. The Age
Jason Fang (20 April 2023). 从地缘政治到外国干预:澳洲华人与全国民调结果差异显著. ABC中文
Rachel Eddie, Craig Butt, Nathanael Scott (7 April 2023). How voters at nearly every polling booth in Aston abandoned the Liberals. The Age
Gus McCubbing (16 March 2023). Liberals fire up WeChat in race to attract Chinese voters in Aston. Australian Financial Review
ABC Radio National (29 January 2023). Sunday Extra
Minyue Ding (25 January 2023). 到底哪天休?澳洲公共假期安排引发华人社区讨论. SBS Chinese
Sumeyya Ilanbey (19 January 2023). Victorian Labor called out over lack of cultural diversity. The Age
Jo Laverty (18 January 2023). Breakfast. ABC Darwin
Tamika Seeto (17 January 2023). Push for two extra public holidays: ‘A no-brainer’. Yahoo! News
Sowaibah Hanifie (17 January 2023). Think tank researcher calls for Australia to add two more public holidays - with Diwali and Lunar New Year obvious choices.
Jodi Lee (16 January 2023). 7News Melbourne. Channel 7
Tom Cannetti (12 January 2023). Here's the reason we should have more public holidays in Australia. SBS News
Paul Sakkal (14 December 2022). Victorian parliament goes backwards on diversity as Labor fails to pick non-European MPs. The Age
Caroline Zielinski (21 October 2022). ‘We had nothing to lose, no pride, no ego’: Why these 20-somethings became mayors. Good Weekend Magazine
Jewel Topsfield (4 October 2022). Candidate ‘elbowed out’ by Labor named most influential Asian Australian. The Age
Soaliha Iqbal (14 September 2022). A Sydney Councillor Said Anti-Racism Is Anti-Australian, Unwittingly Agreeing With Anti-Racists. PEDESTRIAN.TV
Tom Stayner (12 August 2022). Booze, bullying and harassment: Culture problem in Australia’s parliaments laid bare. SBS News
ABC (10 August 2022). Breakfast. ABC NewsRadio
Josh Butler (10 August 2022). Kristina Keneally defeat a wake-up call on parachuting in candidates, Labor diversity group says. Guardian Australia
Amy Remeikis (25 July 2022). The 47th parliament is the most diverse ever – but still doesn’t reflect Australia. Guardian Australia
Amanda Tattersall (14 June 2022). Diversity and Party Politics. ChangeMaker Chat
Jason Om (24 May 2022). How did Labor get it so wrong in Fowler? ABC News
ABC TV (24 May 2022). Meet Dai Le – the independent who won in Labor’s heartland. 7.30
Akash Ahora (24 May 2022). Asian representation in parliament has now doubled. But some advocates say it’s not enough. SBS News
Matthew Knott (24 May 2022). ‘Watershed moment’: Parliament makes important diversity gains. Sydney Morning Herald
Wanning Sun (23 May 2022). The Liberals’ anti-China rhetoric cost them votes and, likely, key seats. Crikey
Frances Mao (20 May 2022). Australia election: Why is Australia's parliament so white? BBC News
Su-Lin Tan (18 May 2022). Australian MP’s #WrongAsian gaffe deals fresh blow to Liberals days before election. South China Morning Post
Ben Westcott (18 May 2022). Fight With China Risks Backfiring on Australian PM in Election. Bloomberg
Su-Lin Tan (13 May 2022). China-Australia tensions and racism fuelling Asian ‘reluctance’ to join politics. South China Morning Post
Wing Kuang and Mark Yin (10 May 2022). Chinese-ish: Lost in translation? The gap between Chinese language and Chinese culture. SBS
Su-Lin Tan (9 May 2022). China-Australia relations: threat of war, race-baiting feature in campaigning ahead of May 21 election. South China Morning Post
Akash Ahora (21 April 2022). One in three Chinese-Australians suffer discrimination due to their heritage, report says. SBS News
Shirley Glaister (4 April 2022). How Section 44 remains a 'major obstacle' blocking migrant Australians from politics. SBS
Michael McGowan (29 March 2022). Disillusionment grows within Labor about the party’s commitment to cultural diversity. Guardian Australia
Natassia Chrysanthos and Jacqueline Maley (26 March 2022). Voters have shown they don’t want parachute candidates. So why do parties do it?. Sydney Morning Herald
Patrick McKenzie (25 March 2022). Anti-Racism strategy to be adopted in Inner West following sign removal stoush. City Hub Sydney
Mark Mordue (24 March 2022). Taking it to the Streets. City Hub Sydney
Danielle Li, Jason Fang and Michael Li (20 March 2022). Chinese Australians still encounter racism and questions of loyalty from both countries. ABC News
Ben Westcott (24 February 2022). Australia PM Gambles on Anti-China Strategy to Lift Poll Numbers. Bloomberg
Emma Brancatisano (9 February 2022). Why some Chinese-Australians are 'aghast' at the government's tough talk on China. SBS News
Su-Lin Tan (9 February 2022). Scott Morrison’s WeChat account wasn’t hacked, no evidence of Chinese foreign interference, says Labor Party after official briefing. South China Morning Post
Dong Xing (2 February 2022). 澳洲总理微信号遭转卖 中国干预大选?. DW 中文- 德国之声
Jarni Blakkary (30 December 2021). What in the World? Triple R - 102.7FM
The Tally Room (14 December 2021). Podcast #62 – NSW council election results
Tom Stayner (4 November 2021). Concerns foreign interference laws have fuelled suspicion of Chinese community. SBS News
Unheard (29 October 2021). Season 1, Episode 3 - The Racist Pandemic. Amazon Prime
Troy Bramston (9 October 2021). Labor’s ‘Fortress NSW a house of cards … no mood for change’. The Australian
Yan Zhuang (6 October 2021). A Sea of White Faces in Australia's 'Party of Multiculturalism'. New York Times
Katina Curtis (18 September 2021). ‘Be less of a white boys’ club’: How to address Parliament’s lack of diversity. Sydney Morning Herald
Millie Roberts (17 September 2021). Australia Has A Massive Diversity Problem In Parliament – Here’s How We Can Fix It. Junkee
Ellen Ransley (14 September 2021). Anthony Albanese faces backlash for saying Kristina Keneally is a migrant success story and example of diversity.
Clare Armstrong (12 September 2021). Moving Kristina Keneally to Western Sydney seat at odds with diversity push within NSW Labor. Daily Telegraph
Paul Karp and Amy Remeikis (10 September 2021). Kristina Keneally’s bid for lower house seat of Fowler a ‘missed opportunity’, Labor critics say. Guardian Australia
Kishor Napier-Raman (10 September 2021). Kristina Keneally confirms lower house move, as factional feud trumps diversity. Crikey
Jordan Murray (8 September 2021). Pressure ramps up on privatisation. Business News WA
Naaman Zhou (6 August 2021). Australia’s state parliaments lagging on racial and cultural diversity, report finds
On the Job with Francis Leach and Sally Rugg (27 June 2021). The secret history of Christmas Island.
Late Night Live with Phillip Adams (10 June 2021). The radical history of the Workers' Union of Christmas Island. ABC Radio National
Michelle Toh, Moss Cohen and Lauren Cook (7 June 2021). Attacked at work, rejected for jobs and harassed by colleagues. CNN
Naaman Zhou (31 May 2021). Asian-Australian Labor members say Michael Daley hasn’t learned from ‘Asians with PhDs’ comments. Guardian Australia
Anthony Galloway (13 April 2021). Anti-Chinese racism hinders efforts to counter foreign interference: Paterson. Sydney Morning Herald
Nick Bonyhady (11 April 2021). Wrestling with free speech, racism and China on university campuses. Sydney Morning Herald
D'oh Kapital (17 March 2021). Episode 9 - Aaaand we're back (w/ guest Osmond Chiu).
Naaman Zhou (4 March 2021). Death threats, distrust and racism: how anti-Chinese sentiment in Australia 'seeped into the mainstream'. Guardian Australia
Anthony Galloway (3 March 2021). ‘Deeply concerning’: One in five Chinese Australians threatened or attacked during coronavirus. Sydney Morning Herald
Frances Mao (31 December 2020). Australia-China row: 'I'm Australian - why do I need to prove my loyalty?'. BBC News
Nino Bucci and Yang Tian (4 December 2020).'Double-bind': Chinese-Australians face difficult times as tensions grow. Guardian Australia
Ahmed Yussuf (13 November 2020). Asian Australian group calls on the government to condemn Senator Eric Abetz. The Feed SBS
Samuel Yang (13 November 2020). Petition with 25,000 signatures calling on Prime Minister to condemn Eric Abetz delivered to Scott Morrison. ABC News
Q&A (9 November 2020). Politicians, Presidents and the Palace. ABC TV
Tom Ballard (30 October 2020). Like I'm A Six Year Old
John Power (29 October 2020). Canberra’s top foreign affairs bureaucrat accuses China of seeking to stoke ethnic divisions in Australia. South China Morning Post
SBS (22 October 2020). SBS World News
ABC (22 October 2020). AM. ABC Radio National
Bang Xiao and Stephen Dziedzic (22 October 2020). Senator Eric Abetz's controversial questions about loyalty rattle Chinese communities in Australia. ABC News Online
Osman Faruqi and Madeline Hayman-Reber (19 October 2020). Read the Room. Triple R - 102.7FM
Bang Xiao (17 October 2020). 参议院听证会要求澳洲华人谴责中共 莫里森回应再引争议. ABC中文
Adam Holmes (18 October 2020). Senator Eric Abetz accused of 'racist' questioning of Chinese Australians during Senate inquiry. The Advocate
Su-Lin Tan (15 October 2020). Senator insists Chinese-Australians condemn CCP at inquiry on diaspora issues, sparking backlash. South China Morning Post
Naveen Razik (15 October 2020). 'Race-baiting McCarthyism': Eric Abetz slammed for asking Chinese Australians to denounce Communist Party during diaspora inquiry. SBS News
David Donaldson (29 July 2020). Overcoming the ‘no alternative’ myth: how de-privatisation is already occurring for failing services. The Mandarin
Naaman Zhou (24 July 2020). Asian Australians threatened and spat on in racist incidents amid coronavirus. Guardian Australia
Jason Om (24 July 2020). Report reveals racist abuse experienced by Asian Australians during coronavirus pandemic. ABC News
ABC TV (23 July 2020). Australian Chinese facing growing racism due to COVID-19 pandemic. 7.30
Su-Lin Tan (7 July 2020). Chinese-Australians hunt white men who hit Asian delivery rider. South China Morning Post
Ben Packham and David Swan (29 June 2020). Fighting Fake News. The Australian
Joanna McCarthy and Erin Handley (28 June 2020). We asked about racist incidents since COVID-19 started. You offered solutions to the problem. ABC News
Leon Delaney (23 June 2020). The Leon Delaney Drive Show. 2CC
Kirsten Lawson (22 June 2020). WeChat the channel for China disinformation campaigns. Canberra Times
Cassandra Power (17 June 2020). China’s warnings of racism rejected as ‘disinformation’. Canberra Weekly
ABC Radio National (14 June 2020). Why Australia's spies think the far right could find a foothold during coronavirus. Background Briefing
Su-Lin Tan (13 June 2020). China, Australia and the US are using racism as a political football. South China Morning Post
SBS (11 June 2020). SBS Radio
Max Koslowski (11 June 2020) 'A wake-up call and opportunity': Call for a national anti-racism strategy as complaints grow. Sydney Morning Herald
Tom Stayner (10 June 2020). A broad coalition of community groups is backing calls for a new anti-racism strategy SBS News
SBS (8 June 2020). SBS World News
Max Koslowski (7 June 2020). Almost 400 anti-China attacks since pandemic began. Sydney Morning Herald
Naaman Zhou (1 June 2020). Anti-Asian racism surges in NSW. Guardian Australia
Jodie Stephens and Ashlea Witoslawski (27 May 2020). COVID-19 racism prompts NSW campaign. Australian Associated Press
Postponed Not Silenced (24 May 2020). COVID-19 Racism
Shoes Off Podcast (13 May 2020). COVID-19 and Australia's history of racism
Ben Schneiders and Clay Lucas (13 May 2020). Asian-Australian groups report surge in racist abuse, assaults during pandemic, The Age
FBI Radio (9 May 2020). BackChat
ABC Radio National (7 March 2020). Saturday Extra
7am (27 February 2020). How coronavirus feeds Australian racism
ABC Radio Sydney (27 February 2020). Breakfast with Wendy Harmer and Robbie Buck
3AW (26 February 2020). Drive with Tom Elliot
Katie Burgess (26 February 2020). Australia's 'too white' politics can't deal with foreign interference, Canberra Times
ABC News 24 (25 February 2020). ABC News Afternoons
Nick Bonyhady (25 February 2020). Report calls for preselection targets to elect more culturally diverse MPs, Sydney Morning Herald
Maani Truu (25 February 2020). Calls for Australian political parties to introduce a 20 per cent target for non-white candidates, SBS News
Triple R - 102.7FM (23 October 2019). The Rap
Claire Capel-Stanley (19 June 2019). Clock ticking, climate policy awaits a reboot. Green New Deal, or pipe dream?, The Citizen
The Tally Room (24 March 2019). Podcast #21 – NSW election results
The Tally Room (9 August 2018). Podcast #5 – Voter representation choices and Gilmore
RN Drive (30 April 2018). Does Australian parliament need a diversity quota? ABC Radio National
Rosanna Ryan and Alex McClintock (6 November 2017). 100 years after the Russian Revolution, what do millennials see in socialism? RN
Previous Events
Australia-China Relations Institute, University of Technology Sydney (27 February 2025). Australian-Chinese voters' concerns and priorities
Addison Road Community Organisation (6 September 2023). The Voice Referendum – Documentary Screening and Q&A
New Bloom (3 February 2022). Sinophobia in Australian politics
Centre for Australian Progress (11 August 2022). Winning Policy Advocacy Workshop
ANU Gender Institute, the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, ANU, the Centre for Asian Australian Leadership and the School of Culture, History and Languages in the College of Asia and the Pacific (15 July 2022). Gender & Cultural Diversity in Politics: Australia, Asia & the Pacific
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose and University of Greenwich’s Public Services International Research Unit (UoG-PSIRU) (28 June 2022). Shifting Narratives Conference
Australian Historical Association (28 June 2022). 2022 Conference: Historicalizing Violence against Chinese Migrants and their Descendants in the Pacific
Centre for Australian Progress (24 June 2022). Webinar: Winning in the New Political Context
NSW Labor Left (7 December 2021). 2021 Bruce Childs Lecture
Migrant Workers Conference 2020: Pandemic, Recession and Social Safety Nets (23 November 2020), Session 1: Surviving the Pandemic
Deakin Human Rights and Refugees Society (14 August 2020). Racism in Modern Australia
The Economic and Labour Relations Review (12 June 2020). Green New Deals? The role of and limitations on the Commonwealth Government in an Australian Green New Deal, Green New Deal Special Issue – Digital Workshop
Australian Communities Foundation (27 March 2020), Tackling Inequality Learning Circle - China: Power, Human Rights and Racism in Australia
NSW Fabians (13 February 2020). A Green New Deal for Australia?
Australia-China Relations Institute, University of Technology Sydney (4 February 2020). Australia China Relations: The State of Play
Chifley Research Centre (8 December 2019). 'Inclusive Patriotism', Towards 2022: Ideas for Labor and Australia
Sydney Young Labor (20 October 2019). Green New Deal Panel: Climate Struggle and the Labour Movement
16th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History (4 October 2019). “Show and Tell”: A short history of the ACT Left Caucus
Committee for the Economic Development of Australia [South Australia] (6 May 2019) Artificial intelligence and ethics: the future of work
GetUp! (17 November 2018). Future To Fight For
Australia Institute (17 October 2018). 2018 Revenue Summit - Panel #2: Options for increasing Revenue
Australian Human Rights Commission (12 June 2018). National Forum on Racial Tolerance and Community Harmony
Sydney Ideas (27 November 2017). Digital Rights: what are they, and why do we need them?